Jackson County
Sheriff's Office
Brownstown, Indiana
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Crime Scene Detective completes homicide and major investigations training

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Jackson County Crime Scene Detective Bob Lucas recently attended and completed a one (1) week training course on Homicide and Major Investigations at Butler University. This intense training is led by the Marion County Prosecutors Office and the Indianapolis Metro Police Department. Their experienced instructors are still actively involved in the field.

The training course included hands on scenarios and classroom work that focused on:  Initial response to a scene, case development, approaching scenes, digital device technology, DNA and fingerprinting, news media relations, child abuse injuries, death investigations, firearm e-trace data, helping traumatized witnesses, crime scene processing, interviews and interrogation, fatal arson investigations and more.

Lucas, who has been a Crime Scene Detective for 13 years stated, “This training is one of the best I’ve attended in my 20 year career as a full time police officer.” Lucas learned of the training after it was recommended to him by Sheriff Rick Meyer.